- Pro bono opportunities and law clinics

What will you
do next?
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Our vision
We want to work with students, universities and corporate partners to inspire ‘future lawyers’ not only to participate in our programmes and assist our clients, but to join us in creating and sharing even more pro bono and learning experiences as an integral part of their own journey. Working alongside the clinic team, as well as junior and senior practitioners our goal is to help students carve out their own unique pathway into the law, based on merit and demonstrating a positive and lasting contribution to pro bono and access to justice.
Everyone in the Sequentus team understands the challenges of making that leap from law student to practitioner. We're all working on alternative routes into practice, whether it's changing careers or straight from a degree. Whether we're aspiring barristers or solicitors, our common goal is to share the opportunities we are creating as a team along the way. That's what we're doing next.
Our team
Khaled Hussain-Dupré
Solicitor // Director of Legal Education
Khaled is a qualified solicitor whose main area of practice is professional discipline. He is regularly instructed to represent healthcare professionals in complex fitness to practise proceedings and also leads the development of our legal education programmes.
Niina Ankers
Junior Case Lawyer // Mediation Lead
Niina is a CMC accredited mediator and leads our mediation team. Having completed the Bar training course Niina represents clients in interim hearings and university FTP cases.
Ben Bardell
Junior Case Lawyer
Ben focuses on case preparation for professional discipline hearings and also manages the delivery of our legal education programmes.
Jyoti Kumar
Junior Case Lawyer
Jyoti has a background in regulatory affairs and having completed the Bar training course now represents professional discipline clients in interim hearings and university FTP cases.