Sequentus - fitness to practise lawyers

Representation at NMC interim order hearings

If you are a nurse, midwife or nursing associate registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) and facing an interim order hearing or review hearing in relation to your fitness to practise case, we can help. 

We’re a not-for-profit and charge a fixed fee of £600 +VAT for specialist legal advice, preparing for the hearing and one of our lawyers representing you at a hearing itself. We are regularly instructed by healthcare professionals in all types of cases, from dishonesty to clinical failings, where there is a possibility that there could be restrictions placed on their practice.

Call us on 020 3151 8015 for a free confidential discussion or scroll down to find out more about how we work.

Get low cost legal representation

We charged a fixed fee of £600 +VAT for representation at interim order hearings or interim review hearings.

Interim order hearings

Our primary aim is to secure no order, so that there are no restrictions on your ability to practise. In reality this is not always possible, so we offer pragmatic advice and a straightforward approach if we think that a conditions of practice order or suspension are the more likely outcome. 

Our experienced qualified lawyers will represent you at the hearing, focusing on challenging the cogency of any evidence which the NMC has provided and robustly dealing with the questions of whether the public protection or public interest grounds are engaged and how we can mitigate any perceived risk of repetition.

Follow up

Once the interim order hearing has been concluded, you have the option to instruct us to handle the rest of your FTP case, from screening and investigation, through to representing you at a substantive panel hearing. We charge £60 per hour, but will usually agree a fixed fee with you once we know exactly what work is involved.

Free mental health support

If you instruct us to deal with all of your fitness to practise case, we will provide you with free counselling to support you through the fitness to practise process.

Our FTP experts

...your team. With you every step of the way.

Khaled Hussain-Dupré
Senior Case Lawyer // Director of Legal Education

Khaled is a qualified lawyer whose main area of practice is professional discipline. He is regularly instructed to represent healthcare professionals in fitness to practise proceedings and also leads the development of our legal education programmes.
Ben Bardell
Junior Case Lawyer

Ben focuses on case preparation for professional discipline hearings and specialises in the early resolution of regulatory concerns.
Jyoti Kumar
Junior Case Lawyer

Jyoti has a background in regulatory affairs and having completed the Bar training course now represents professional discipline clients in interim hearings and university FTP cases.
Niina Ankers
Junior Case Lawyer // Mediation Lead

Niina is a CMC accredited mediator and leads our mediation team. Having completed the Bar training course Niina represents clients in interim hearings and university FTP cases.
Sam Wilson
Programme Director - FTP

As a practising nurse who is re-training to become a solicitor, Sam understands both facets of regulatory proceedings. She works tirelessly on behalf of clients, focussing on empowering registrants so that they can make informed choices about their case.


We are a not-for-profit organisation established in 2022 to provide affordable legal assistance through a dedicated team of qualified lawyers and trainee lawyers who specialise in healthcare regulation. Our work is part-funded by innovative partnerships with leading UK universities.

We understand the stress that comes with facing allegations made by your regulator. The financial pressures, the uncertainties of not knowing what the outcome will be and whether you can continue to work… and the combined effect that all of these things can have on your mental health. We also know that legal fees are just an additional worry on top of everything else.

Our fees are kept as low as possible so that we can help as many people as possible. Our work is covered by professional indemnity insurance. We are not required to be regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority.

Next steps

Contact us for a free initial discussion about your case:

Khaled Hussain-Dupré

Senior Case Lawyer – Director

Alternatively you can call us on 020 3151 8015 or scroll down to book a free appointment online.

Schedule a free call

Pick a convenient date and time below. You will receive a confirmation email including the option for a Zoom meeting or a telephone call.

Khaled Hussain-Dupré
Khaled Hussain-DupréMisconduct
We recently defended a healthcare professional facing misconduct charges including dishonesty and intentionally contributing to the death of a patient. During the course of a four-week hearing many of the charges were deemed to be no case to answer and on the remaining charges we secured a caution order as the final outcome.
Khaled Hussain-Dupré
Khaled Hussain-DupréSexual misconduct interim order hearing
We were instructed at the last minute to defend a healthcare professional in an interim order hearing relating to sexual misconduct. We successfully challenged the quality of evidence being advanced by the regulator, resulting in no interim order or restrictions being applied.
Khaled Hussain-Dupré
Khaled Hussain-DupréMisconduct
We provided legal advice and support to a healthcare professional in a case involving alleged misconduct and the death of a patient, with a five week hearing. We represented the client in parts of the substantive hearing of their case, resulting in a finding that their fitness to practise was not impaired.
Khaled Hussain-Dupré
Khaled Hussain-DupréAppeal on sanction
We recently provided a healthcare professional with legal advice in relation to appealing the sanction in their case.
Benjamin Bardell
Benjamin BardellClosed at screening
We recently helped a nurse facing regulatory concerns get her case closed at the screening stage on the basis that the referral was unsubstantiated and the result of bullying in the workplace.
Khaled Hussain-Dupré
Khaled Hussain-DupréAppeal on sanction
We provided legal advice to a medical student facing allegations of sexual misconduct.
Khaled Hussain-Dupré
Khaled Hussain-DupréAppeal on sanction
We provided representation for a healthcare professional facing an interim order review following a breach of their conditions of practice.
Khaled Hussain-Dupré
Khaled Hussain-DupréAppeal on sanction
We provided a healthcare professional with legal advice on appealing the outcome of their case and successfully negotiated for the matter to be remitted back to a fresh panel.
Khaled Hussain-Dupré
Khaled Hussain-DupréAppeal on sanction
We provided legal advice and representation to a social work student facing misconduct charges and secured a finding of no impairment.
Benjamin Bardell
Benjamin BardellNEWS: Qualifying Work Experience skills training dates
We are pleased to announce that we will be offering our QWE skills training programme from 8 April and 8 July 2025. The programme is designed to help students from non-traditional backgrounds and those who need to gain experience whilst working around existing work, study and family commitments work remotely to secure the experience that is necessary in order to qualify as a solicitor through the SQE route.
Khaled Hussain-Dupré
Khaled Hussain-DupréAdvice and grounds of appeal
We were instructed to review the outcome of a mental health nurse's fitness to practise hearing and provide legal advice and draft the grounds of hear appeal.
Khaled Hussain-Dupré
Khaled Hussain-DupréAdvice and grounds of appeal
We were recently instructed by a pharmacist to represent them at a substantive order review hearing and secured no further order.
Benjamin Bardell
Benjamin BardellClosed at screening
Our client was facing allegations of bullying junior members of staff. Following our intervention the case was closed at the screening stage.
Benjamin Bardell
Benjamin BardellNEWS: free counselling for fitness to practise clients
From January 2025 we are offering free counselling to all of our professional clients facing professional discipline proceedings.
Khaled Hussain-Dupré
Khaled Hussain-DupréLegal representation
We were recently instructed by a nurse who decided to change representation part way through her fitness to practise hearing.