Sequentus - fitness to practise lawyers
Sequentus - fitness to practise lawyers

Affordable and effective help

We charge £60 per hour or can agree a fixed fee
Healthcare fitness to practise
We defend nurses, midwives and all other healthcare professionals in fitness to practise cases.
University fitness to practise
We provide specialist legal advice and representation to students facing university FTP proceedings.
Low cost mediation
We help individuals settle disputes without the need to go to court through our low cost mediation service.

Our vision

Sequentus was established in 2022 to provide low cost legal advice and representation to healthcare professionals facing professional discipline proceedings who would otherwise be unrepresented. Our innovative partnerships with leading UK and international universities, delivering outstanding legal training opportunities for law students, helps to fund the work we do. With a team of qualified and trainee lawyers undertaking a range of advocacy and advice across different regulatory bodies, we also provide pro bono support in appropriate cases.


recent cases

We recently defended a healthcare professional facing misconduct charges including dishonesty and intentionally contributing to the death of a patient. During the course of a four-week hearing many of the charges were deemed to be no case to answer and on the remaining charges we secured a caution order as the final outcome.
Sexual misconduct interim order
We were instructed at the last minute to defend a healthcare professional in an interim order hearing relating to sexual misconduct. We successfully challenged the quality of evidence being advanced by the regulator, resulting in no interim order or restrictions being applied.
We provided legal advice and support to a healthcare professional in a case involving alleged misconduct and the death of a patient, with a five week hearing. We represented the client in parts of the substantive hearing of their case, resulting in a finding that their fitness to practise was not impaired.
Appeal on sanction
We recently provided a healthcare professional with legal advice in relation to appealing the sanction in their case.
University sexual misconduct
We provided legal advice to a medical student facing allegations of sexual misconduct.
Interim order - breach of conditions
We provided representation for a healthcare professional facing an interim order review following a breach of their conditions of practice.
University misconduct
We provided legal advice and representation to a social work student facing misconduct charges and secured a finding of no impairment.
Appeal on findings of fact
We provided a healthcare professional with legal advice on appealing the outcome of their case and successfully negotiated for the matter to be remitted back to a fresh panel.

Our team

Khaled Hussain-Dupré
Case Lawyer // Director of Legal Education

Khaled is a qualified lawyer whose main area of practice is professional discipline. He is regularly instructed to represent healthcare professionals in fitness to practise proceedings and also leads the development of our legal education programmes.
Ben Bardell
Junior Case Lawyer // Programme Manager

Ben focuses on case preparation for professional discipline hearings and also manages the delivery of our legal education programmes.
Jyoti Kumar
Junior Case Lawyer

Jyoti has a background in regulatory affairs and having completed the Bar training course now represents professional discipline clients in interim hearings and university FTP cases.
Niina Ankers
Junior Case Lawyer // Mediation Lead

Niina is a CMC accredited mediator and leads our mediation team. Having completed the Bar training course Niina represents clients in interim hearings and university FTP cases.
Sam Wilson
Programme Director - FTP

As a practising nurse who is re-training to become a solicitor, Sam understands both facets of regulatory proceedings. She works tirelessly on behalf of clients, focussing on empowering registrants so that they can make informed choices about their case.
Mel Nichols
Programme Manager - Community Outreach (London)

Mel manages our outreach programme in South London, working with the Met Police and community leaders to deliver support, advice and drop-in clinics dealing with a range of different legal and social issues. Mel is also training to be a solicitor.
Ellie Reynolds
Legal Assistant

Ellie provides support for our criminal appeals casework as well taking an active role in our student outreach work.
Sequentus - fitness to practise lawyers

We’re registered in England under number 14201467 as a company limited by guarantee and not-for-profit.

We do not undertake reserved legal work as set out in s.12 Legal Services Act 2007.

Contact details

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