get professional legal assistance
We can assist with all aspects of defending fitness to practise cases, from initial legal advice and reviewing the concerns, to dealing with your regulator on your behalf, preparing evidence and legal arguments and ultimately representing you at a panel hearing.
"Thank you so much for all your help - there is no way that I could have prepared all the documents and presented the case that way you did."
"Your advice and the way the case was prepared gave me hope again."
"I really appreciated you taking the time at the end of each day of the hearing to talk to me and explain everything and let me know what to expect next."
"This process has taken a huge toll on my mental health. Knowing that I have support and can discuss the things that are worrying me is invaluable. Thank you."
"I am so glad that you could represent me - even though I only found out about your service one week before my hearing, it has made a massive difference. Before that I did not know what to do."